Mother & Baby pick Baby Nails as one of the best baby nail scissors and accessories!
Wanting to breeze through your baby’s first manicure!? As cute as their little hands and fingers may be, take this as a warning those little nails can be crazily sharp. While they may look tiny and delicate, they can be mighty sharp and can potentially cause scratches to both yourself and your little one. Cutting your baby’s nails for the first time can be scary, but there’s no need to worry we’re here to lend a helping hand!
Thank you Mother and Baby for listing Baby Nails not once but twice as a must have baby nail care buy when tending to your baby's nails. With so many baby nail care sets to choose from, Baby Nails is the safe and simple solution to baby nail trimming. With it's wearable design you can confidently care for your baby's nails keeping them clean and trim.
Baby Nails makes the perfect addition to your baby's nappy caddy.