Happy World Book Day!

We've always had a love for books! From picture books, to story books, to fact books, to even writing our own books!
We know personally that sharing books and reading to both our children since they were babies has ignited a love for books from a young age. They are both very confident readers. Reading started as part of their bedtime routines at a very early age (only a few months old). Back then, they would both have three books a night and we’ve gone from black and white books, to ‘That’s Not My…” books, to storybooks, to factual books. They both love fiction and non-fiction and we're at a point now where they both like to lose themselves in their own books without being prompted. To us, books are a crucial part of both our son’s and daughter’s lives, including trips to our local library and receiving books as gifts.
Books provide so much pleasure, they let your imagination run wild and let you escape to another place. Reading is so important from an early age. Your baby will listen to your familiar voice and you'll look at the beautiful illustrations together. Whilst reading you're exposing them to a wide range of words so they hear different sounds, words and phrases, which in turn they will try to copy, improving their vocabulary and understanding too.
Reading to our children has been a no-brainer really!
When we came up with the idea for Baby Nails, we wanted to make baby nail care a stress-free experience, a time where you could bond with your baby and it not be a task that you fear. Our Thumble® is worn on the thumb so it leaves you ‘hands-free’ to bond with your baby whilst filing. So why not read a book and file! It keeps them distracted and gives them more exposure to those all-important words and sounds. And in our ‘all too busy’ lifestyle it’s a time where we can enjoy a cuddle, unwind and relax too.

World Book Day was designed by UNESCO (a charity that operates in the UK and Ireland) to celebrate books and reading. It is marked in over 100 countries around the globe! Spending just 10 minutes a day reading and sharing stories with children can make a crucial difference to their future success and it’s fun for all involved. So whatever book you decide to read tonight, enjoy that time exploring your child’s interests and having fun.
